Conservation Economics Institute
Economic solutions for conservation today, a brighter future tomorrow.
Conservation Economics Topics
We practice Total Economic Valuation to ensure that natural capital is being adequately accounted for in land management and planning. Natural capital accounting includes understanding changes to ecosystem service flows and impacts of conservation on local communities. We do this in the following areas:
Public Lands Management and Planning
We believe our public lands are paramount in leaving a lasting conservation legacy. Management of our public lands is subject to changing political administrations and dedicated resources. Our aim is to ensure good stewardship of public lands and to increase our conservation areas. Within these realms we focus on:
NEPA Economics Planning
Legislative Solutions and Defense
Forest and Ecological Restoration Policy
Litigation Support
Public Interest

Conservation and Landscape Design
​In order to invest in our natural capital, understanding which conservation designs will yeild the greatest return on investment is critical. We do this through:
Ecosystem Service Valuation, Mapping, and Accounting
Economic Solutions using Green Infrastructure
Ecological Restoration Values, Impacts, and Benefits
Conservation Design and Landscape Analysis
Return on Investment

Conservation Benefits
​Conservation provides numerous ecological benefits as well as numerous community economic benefits. Detailing conservation benefits can provide for a full accounting when communities weigh the costs and benefits of land management. Economic benefits of conservation include:
Amenity Migration
Entreprenuerial Advantages
Non-market Values Held by Society
Nature Tourism and Recreation
Ecosystem Service Protection

Energy and Climate Change
​To overcome numerous challenges with energy development and climate change, wise development is needed. Understanding the costs and benefits of energy development, can greatly inform policy and markets, leading to a more sustainable future. We provide economic analysis in the following areas:
Fossil Fuels
Woody Biomass
Energy Siting